Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by date index by Name Hany

RPM of Group Development/Libraries

[BIEN - Basic Income Earth Network]
audiofile-devel-0.1.9-5 Libraries, includes and other files to develop audiofile applications. Linux/i686 Linux/i586
audiofile-devel-0.1.9-5 Libraries, includes and other files to develop audiofile applications. Linux/i586
audiofile-devel-0.1.9-5 Libraries, includes and other files to develop audiofile applications. Linux/i386 Linux/i686 Linux/i586
bzip2-devel-1.0.0-1 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use bzip2. Linux/i586
bzip2-devel-1.0.0-1 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use bzip2. Linux/i386 Linux/i586
db1-devel-1.85-0.3 development libraries and header files for Berkeley database library Linux/i386
freetype-devel-1.3.1-7 Header files and static library for development with FreeType. Linux/i386 Linux/i686
freetype-devel-1.3.1-7 Header files and static library for development with FreeType. Linux/i686
freetype-devel-1.3.1-7 Header files and static library for development with FreeType. Linux/i586 Linux/i386 Linux/i686
gd-devel-1.8.3-1 The development libraries and header files for gd. Linux/i386 Linux/i686
gd-devel-1.8.3-1 The development libraries and header files for gd. Linux/i686
gd-devel-1.8.3-1 The development libraries and header files for gd. Linux/i586 Linux/i386 Linux/i686
gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.8.0-4 Libraries and headers for application development with gdk-pixbuf Linux/i586 Linux/i386
gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.8.0-4 Libraries and headers for application development with gdk-pixbuf Linux/i386
gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.8.0-4 Libraries and headers for application development with gdk-pixbuf Linux/i686 Linux/i586 Linux/i386
glib-devel-1.2.8-3 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
glib-devel-1.2.8-3 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library. Linux/i386
glib-devel-1.2.8-3 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library. Linux/i686 Linux/i586 Linux/i386
glib-devel-1.2.7-2 GIMP Toolkit and GIMP Drawing Kit support library Linux/i386
glib-devel-1.2.7-2 GIMP Toolkit and GIMP Drawing Kit support library Linux/i586 Linux/i386
gtk+-devel-1.2.8-4 Development tools for GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) applications. Linux/i586 Linux/i686
gtk+-devel-1.2.8-4 Development tools for GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) applications. Linux/i686
gtk+-devel-1.2.8-4 Development tools for GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) applications. Linux/i386 Linux/i586 Linux/i686
libpng-devel-1.0.6-2 Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files. Linux/i686 Linux/i586
libpng-devel-1.0.6-2 Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files. Linux/i586
libpng-devel-1.0.6-2 Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files. Linux/i386 Linux/i686 Linux/i586
libstdc++-devel-2.95.3-0.20000323 Header files and libraries for C++ development Linux/i386
libstdc++-devel-2.95.3-0.20000323 Header files and libraries for C++ development Linux/i586 Linux/i386
libtermcap-devel-2.0.8-20 Development tools for programs which will access the termcap database. Linux/i386
libtermcap-devel-2.0.8-20 Development tools for programs which will access the termcap database. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
libtiff-devel-3.5.5-4 Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library. Linux/i586 Linux/i686
libtiff-devel-3.5.5-4 Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library. Linux/i686
libtiff-devel-3.5.5-4 Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library. Linux/i386 Linux/i586 Linux/i686
libungif-devel-4.1.0-7 Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library. Linux/i386 Linux/i586
libungif-devel-4.1.0-7 Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library. Linux/i586
libungif-devel-4.1.0-7 Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library. Linux/i686 Linux/i386 Linux/i586
netpbm-devel-9.5-5 Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries. Linux/i586 Linux/i686
netpbm-devel-9.5-5 Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries. Linux/i686
netpbm-devel-9.5-5 Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries. Linux/i386 Linux/i586 Linux/i686
newt-devel-0.50.11-1 Newt windowing toolkit development files. Linux/i386
newt-devel-0.50.11-1 Newt windowing toolkit development files. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
popt-1.6.1-0.6 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i386 Linux/i686
popt-1.6.1-0.6 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i686
popt-1.6.1-0.6 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i586 Linux/i386 Linux/i686
popt-1.6-0.45 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i386 Linux/i686
popt-1.6-0.45 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i686
popt-1.6-0.45 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i586 Linux/i386 Linux/i686
rpm-devel-4.0.1-0.6 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i686 Linux/i586
rpm-devel-4.0.1-0.6 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i586
rpm-devel-4.0.1-0.6 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i386 Linux/i686 Linux/i586
rpm-python-4.0.1-0.6 Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i386 Linux/i586
rpm-python-4.0.1-0.6 Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i586
rpm-python-4.0.1-0.6 Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i686 Linux/i386 Linux/i586
rpm-devel-4.0-0.45 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i686 Linux/i586 Linux/i386
rpm-devel-4.0-0.45 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
rpm-devel-4.0-0.45 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i386
rpm-devel-4.0-0.45 Development files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i686 Linux/i686 Linux/i586 Linux/i386
rpm-python-4.0-0.45 Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i386
rpm-python-4.0-0.45 Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
slang-devel-1.4.1-2 The static library and header files for development using S-Lang. Linux/i386
slang-devel-1.4.1-2 The static library and header files for development using S-Lang. Linux/i586 Linux/i386
zlib-devel-1.1.3-11 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib. Linux/i686 Linux/i386
zlib-devel-1.1.3-11 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib. Linux/i386
zlib-devel-1.1.3-11 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib. Linux/i586 Linux/i686 Linux/i386

[Feywa - Resource Allocation Tool]

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Peter Hanecak, Tue Jun 28 02:54:12 2016