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Apache-SSL-JServ 1.3.2 (all in one)

Here you can find Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3.2 with mod_jserv 0.9.11 and mod_ssl 2.0.12-1.3.2 modules compiled in. To be less technical, following packages provid Apache HTTP Server with support for encrypted connections and Java servlets.

I made following packages:

Apache packeges are derived from apache-1.3.2-2.src.rpm package and JServ packages are made from jserv_0.9.11.tar.gz.

For running apache-ssl-jserv you need jserv because it contains java classes necessary for using servlets.

Also you need some JDK 1.1 compatible java virtual machine and SSLeay 0.9.x or newer. You can download them for example from http://rufus.w3.org/linux/RPM/ (Java, SSLeay).

If you find some mistakes in packages (not the software itself), please report to me or make a fix and then you can send fixed package back to me so I can publish it here (this way is better :) .

Also read LICENCE files of both packages for information about licensing.


This is realy little HOWTO, but I think READMEs and INTALLs in packages are very good source of information so I just mention, that first you have to install SSLeay and JDK (or what you choose as your VM, but I do not tested, how some other packages satisfies dependencies of apache-ssl-jserv package). Then you install jserv and at the end install apache-ssl-jserv (apache-ssl-jserv-1.3.2-2.i386.rpm and jserv-0.9.11-2.i386.rpm is enought - if you are running PC box, otherwise you need .src packages).

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